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对虾养殖 shrimp culture英语短句 例句大全

农信网 2024-09-06 16:06:03 综合内容 893

对虾养殖 shrimp culture英语短句 例句大全

对虾养殖,shrimp culture

1)shrimp culture对虾养殖

1.Prevention and control countermeasures on environmental pollution fromshrimp culture in Guangdong;广东对虾养殖环境污染及防控对策

2.Research progress on technology of microalgae ecological management inshrimp culture;浮游微藻生态调控技术在对虾养殖应用中的研究进展

3.Application of three microbiological preparations to control of water quality in industrializedshrimp culture;3种微生物制剂调控工厂化对虾养殖水质的研究


1.A Study on Countermeasure of Sustainable Shrimp Farming;对虾养殖业协调可持续发展对策研究

2.The challenges confronted by the sustainable development of shrimp aquaculture industry;对虾养殖业可持续发展所面临的挑战

3.Genetic Diversity of Bacterial from Prawn Farm Sediment对虾养殖池沉积物细菌的遗传多样性

4.Evaluation indicators on development of shrimp aquaculture对虾养殖可持续发展的指标评价体系

5.Utilization of Traditional Chinese Medicines in Culture of Shrimp中草药制剂在对虾养殖中的应用研究

6.Effect of Peptidoglycan on the Immune Factors of Shrimp and the Application of Immunostimulants-Peptidoglycan to the Culture of Shrimp;肽聚糖对对虾免疫因子的作用及在对虾养殖中的应用

7.Study about Hainengliang-a New Kind of Disinfectant Applied in Prawn Culture;海能量—新型杀菌剂在对虾养殖中的应用研究

8.The dynamic study of bacteria from autumn to winter in the Litopenaeus vannamei Ponds秋冬季凡纳滨对虾养殖池塘细菌的数量动态

9.An Analysis of A Prawn Pond Water Pollution of Donghai Island in Zhanjiang湛江市东海岛对虾养殖池水质污染状况分析

10.Growth characteristics of intensively cultured Penaeus monodon indoors室内工厂化养殖斑节对虾的生长特性

11.Water Quality Characteristic of Industrial Shrimp Farming and Effects of Higher Dissolved Oxygen on Its Farming;对虾工厂化养殖水质特征及高溶解氧对养殖的影响

12.The Effects of Some Aquacultural Disinfectors on the Activity of NAGase from Prawn(Litopenaeus vannamei)养殖常用消毒药物对凡纳滨对虾NAGase活力的影响

13.The difference of the fatty acid composition in muscle and hepatopancres of Litopenaeus vannamei cultured in sea water and low salinity water海水养殖和低盐养殖凡纳滨对虾脂肪酸分析比较

14.Chinese Mode"3+2"Shrimp Safety Culture Technique--Study on Effect of Nanmeter Quantum on Shrimp Culture Mechanism without Using Drug中国式“3+2”对虾安全养殖技术纳米量子效应对虾免用药养殖机理的研究

15.Budgets of Important Elements and Energy in Shrimp Engineering Culture System;对虾工程化养殖系统重要元素及能量收支

16.Research on Antibiotic Residues in Cultured Shrimp, Penaeus Chinensis;养殖中国对虾Penaeus Chinensis体内抗生素残留研究

17.Preliminary Study on HACCP Model in Litopenaeus Vannamei Breeding and Aquaculture;南美白对虾育苗及养殖HACCP模式的初步研究

18.Study of Penaeus in Safe Aquaculture and Processing Management Model;南美白对虾的安全养殖与加工管理模式研究


prawn culture对虾养殖

1.After many years meticulous study twenty more calculation formulas in common use inprawn culture were collected and compiled calculation programmes input into the "counter forprawn culture, "thus to get rid of difficulty to remember and trouble to operate in manual calculation.经多年潜心研究并汇集了对虾养殖中常用的20多个计算式,并编好计算程序输入“对虾养殖计算器”,由原来记忆困难、操作麻烦变为计算器记忆、操作简单,可准确快速地解决养虾生产中常遇到的各种计算问题,成倍地提高工作效率。

2.With single index method and comprehensive index method,these indices of the water quality were suit for the requirements ofprawn culture,except COD over the eutrophic threshold value thus with a need for the aeration of the water.对湛江市东海岛对虾养殖场虾池水质的pH值、溶解氧(DO)、氨氮、化学需氧量(COD)和无机磷进行连续监测,结果表明:对虾养殖池水质pH值为7。

3)cultured prawn养殖对虾

1.The contents of residue chloramphenicol in 3 sawples of freshcultured prawn and 2 sawples of exported culturedprawn from Zhanjiang aquatic products market were determined by RIA.采用放射免疫分析法测定了湛江市水产市场3份新鲜养殖对虾及2份出口养殖对虾氯霉素残留量。

4)cultured shrimp养殖对虾

1.The investigative results showed that every variety of affectedcultured shrimp in Lianjiang County have the same behavioural signs.对福建省连江县养殖对虾的虾病流行情况和发病规律及流行过程中水环境化学、浮游植物、微生物等的动态变化进行了调查,研究了对虾疾病的传染性、传播途径,以及病原与各因子的相互关系。

5)prawn pond对虾养殖塘

6)shrimp culture environment对虾养殖环境

1.For bioremediation ofshrimp culture environment,331 bacteria strains were isolated from mud of shrimp ponds in shandong province.为修复对虾养殖环境 ,从山东各地虾池底泥中分离出 331株细菌 。

2.For bioremediation ofshrimp culture environment, degradation process of organic pollutants was studied in the simulated condition with functional bacteria.在模拟条件下 ,研究了虾池环境生物修复作用菌对对虾养殖环境中虾池有机物的降解过程 。


海水增养殖(见海水养殖、海水增殖)海水增养殖(见海水养殖、海水增殖)marine aquaculture_一一’‘~’‘以,’日y以.1日乙川髦增养殖(~ne aquacultu祀’见海水养殖·海水


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